nutter dogs agility shows
When we started our own independent show series we had one goal in mind: to produce small, friendly, single-ring shows ideal for building ring confidence, following training criteria in the ring, and even allowing you to rack up points and gain awards to mark your progress.
You can enter a show via our shop. Shows go live approximately one month before the date, or following the previous show. This is so we can roll show entries on to the next show in the event of bad weather. Don’t forget to make a note of our show dates so you don’t miss out!
Click here for Skill results & Sprint results.
Don’t forget to join our Facebook group, Nutter Dogs Agility Shows, for all show information before & on the day!
Rules are pretty simple. Be kind to your dog, respect the judge, and be polite to other competitors & to our show team. Run your own dog to your own criteria & standards and enjoy your time together. Jump the height you think is best for your dog, understanding that results are split by handler choice not necessarily dog height. All heights & levels walk and then run the same course, there is no course walking between height changes, so be ready for the start of the class. You can run Not For Competition (NFC) in any class, just declare it to the scrime before starting. You can use non-crumbling food or a toy, but if using food you must make sure you don’t drop anything. Start only when directed to do so by the scrime and ensure you have no leads or bumbags on you. Your dog may only wear a single, close-fitting collar, no harnesses, martingales, choke chains etc. Bitches in season are welcome to run. If your dog has had sickness or diarrhoea, or been in close contact with a sick dog, they mustn’t attend unless 48 hour symptom free. If they have had Kennel Cough it’s 10 days after the final cough, or 7 days if they’ve been in contact to wait out the incubation period. Handlers or dogs behaving in a rude or aggressive manner will be asked to leave. Judge and show manager decision is final.
Always remember that you and your dog are a team, and the aim of agility is to have fun together. Any cruelty, harsh handling or abuse directed toward your dog will result in your first and final warning by show management (for a minor incident, as we do understand that you are human and sometimes everyone loses their temper). If this occurs again, or if the first incident was not minor, you will be asked to leave the show immediately and will be banned from entering future shows.
Our agility team are volunteers, and they are human. Similarly to the above, any abusive or bullying behaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave immediately. We will also be aware of incidents that may happen at other show organisations, and we will not accept those who have a history or reputation of behaving in such a manner. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel entries to individuals based on this.
Handlers are responsible for their own behaviour and their dog’s behaviour at all times. You are responsible for your belongings, including your vehicle, at all times. In hot weather you are responsible for keeping your vehicle cool and your dog safe; and in cold weather you should keep your dog as warm as possible.