private training

We offer private training for dogs who have specific training needs to address or who may struggle to work in group classes, including our sport classes – yes this means we can offer private agility lessons! Each session is completely tailored to your dog’s needs, so please ensure you complete our form below when requesting your first training session so that we have a more thorough understanding of your dog’s training needs and background.

Sessions are available both at the Nutter Dogs field at Greenhead Lane in Fence, or at your home or a local outdoor place if convenient. Home sessions are available to those in Burnley and Pendle and closely surrounding areas; please get in touch if you’re unsure!

Please note that we do not work with dogs with severe behavioural problems (such as human-directed aggression and severe resource guarding), and will refer you on to a canine behaviourist if we feel that that is what your dog requires.

prices and booking

We begin with a consultation, typically lasting between 60-75 minutes, in which we will go through the various issue(s) you are working on with your dog and discuss how we will work on these. Depending on the issue(s), we may work directly on training solutions, or we may need to work through management strategies first. This consultation will be followed with a written report within one week, outlining what was discussed and how we will address the issue(s).

The consultation cost is £100.

Subsequent follow-up sessions are £60 for 45mins.

If you would like to book private training with us, please complete the following form, which will give us the starting point for understanding your dog’s needs.